Monday 8 December 2008

Your Bruised Heart, Courtesy Of Pluto In Capricorn

So. It's been a while. Astrology Blogging with children is even harder than blogging while heavily pregnant and fully employed, who knew?

So, Pluto has entered the Earth Sign of Capricorn and all the (Jupiterian) over-extended and happy-go-lucky irresponsible investing and lending of the Pluto in Sagittarius era has given way to more sombre outlooks. The credit has crunched and the real estate prices have fallen and people are talking about the economy with frowny faces.

Fiscally, things are tight and grim. (This is the first December in my memory that I have seen so many sales and so many slashed prices before Christmas).

Emotionally, it hasn't been a barrel of laughs either. Personally speaking this is
an intensely challenging time (and if you feel the same, which I know many people do, then I feel for you; Hang in there). Essentially, it feels like the entire Universe has turned into Boot Camp and pleading with it to be merciful simply ends with it sneering in your face before kicking you in the stomach, while it calls you a sissy and says nasty things about your mother.

I think in the current climate all you can do to get through is just grit your teeth, stiffen your upper lip and apply yourself. This is the time when all of us, are being challenged on a global and personal level to work hard and eliminate the unnecessary from our lives. Although you can, if you choose, sit there and feel sorry for yourself this is unlikely to advance your situation because Capricorn (being an Earth sign) wants things to be manifested, created in the real world. Instead of debating Why Me and Why Is Everything So Unfair it is probably more productive in the long run to take responsibility for past mistakes and future possibilities and work to change this.

Pluto in Capricorn feels to me like a personal trainer. One that knocks on your door at the bleeding crack of dawn and just stands there and the longer you ignore it the more precarious your position becomes. On the other hand if you accept its offer it may make you cry and curse (and keep crying and cursing for a long while) but you'll have fantastic abs at the end of it.

Pluto in Capricorn is similar to The Devil and The Tower cards in the Tarot. It's about Truth and it's about Change, and although it's about as welcome and cuddly as taxes it's unstoppable. Often it is both hard and painful because it reminds us that no one is safe as all that we have built and achieved gets hauled out to be tested for strength and weakness and validity.

Schocking things happen. Painful truths come out, although how painful they are is in correlation to how much work on them you've done before. If the thing is sound, it holds. (Sometimes things turn out all right. The Ark floated, the razed cities were rebuilt, people survived and other people realised that facing down the tough things only made their marriages stronger).

I have a personal take on this since the last three generations of my family have spent significant portions of their lifetime being prosecuted and running. I was born with these memories - hard-wired into the collective drive for survival. We hid. We ran. We hung in there -sometimes for years- we fought sometimes, we defended what we could and ran with what we could carry and we started over.

In this a Pluto transit is an incredibly creative force, a bit like riding a wave. You can't control the wave, and you can't oppose it, but you can use it. Each difficult time you face is like your soul shouting at you Who Am I? and you decide what kind of person you want to be, what you want your actions to say about you.

You have skills and resiliences and kindnesses you may not even know you have. Pluto will show you that. It may push hard and relentlessly but when the dust settles you usually feel it was of benefit.

So by all means, be wary. But don't be frightened because breakdown and breakthrough go hand in hand and panic doesn't serve anyone in a crisis.


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