Saturday 20 December 2008

Gabriel - The Father Son and the Holy Ghost

Every father is an archetypal figure, a demi-god to his baby. However, a person's experience of the SORT of deity he was is suggested by planets in the parental house (generally the 4th, but it's not an iron-cast rule), as well as aspects to the Sun. A Martian father is a dynamic figure, a Saturnian father is a tough LawMaker, a Uranian father can be both brilliant and cold, a Plutonic father is powerful. A Neptunian father is mystical and often in some way a wounded, tragic, vanishing figure. And a Jupiterian father is larger than life and although Jupiter has benign associations in traditional astrology, a Jupiterian father is by no means a benign or cuddly figure - in fact he may have been convinced of his supriority and rash and irresponsible, or simply not there - more interested in continuing his own bright journey in the world than the tediuous mundanity of feedings and diapers.

And although all fathers start out as dieties to their children - as babies grow and individuate and the relationship develops - fathers become human - although some never do.

In Gabriel's chart the Sun is conjunct Jupiter in Aquarius and they are conjunct the IC of the chart (the MC and IC correspond to the zenith and nadir and the parental axis of the chart, showing what is most public - MC and what is most private -IC). In Gabriel's case his parents split up in his infancy and his father left the family, going on to have another family and another son and then dying while Gabriel was still a child before he had a chance to know his father as anything but a figure of story and legend.

Strangely enough, there is often a correlation in astrology between death and the transits of Jupiter - where death may be seen as a healing process - the part of someone's ongoing and larger journey. In Gabriel's case - his Jupiterian father is always in the act of travelling, beyond any known horizon and the only human figures he could really pin his emotions (and anger) on, were his half-brother and his mother.

Gabriel is a Jupiterian figure in many ways - emotionally and physicially he has a large, gregarious presence and he is often in a sate of transit - changing countries and business ventures more often than some people buy shoes. He has a generosity and an openess of spirit but all this comes with a shadow side - an inconstancy of nature, a conflict between his loyalty and wish to commit deeply (Scorpio Moon and Ascendant, Mars in Taurus) and his need for change and to not be tied down. Gabriel's experience of his father is deeply tied in with his own sense of self, as a person and as a man. The father story is central to Gabriel's attempts to understand himself, which has led to an opening of his horizons and expansion of his ideas about the world (another Jupiterian function).

Currently Chiron and Neptune are moving towards Gabriel's IC and transiting his Sun-Jupiter conjunction, bringing up old pain and unhealed wounds to the surface as well as offering a vehicle for their exploration (through various kinds of modes and therapies). Making peace with that which was lost and cannot be changed is helping Gabriel transcend the situation and find his peace with it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Most of the time i am very easy going and just in general happy go lucky type of guy. There are times, hoever, where i go mad trying to understand myself and how i relate to other people. Your husband and i share a few of the same signs. I have a sag sun, taurus rising, aries moon in 12th house, sag venus, cap mars. i have a sun, jupiter and uranus in 7th house and venus in 8th. could you please help me understand what that all means? d.o.b 112682